Posts Tagged ‘organic almonds’

A Taste Test: Organic versus Non-Organic Almonds

January 23, 2014

Take an Almond taste test: do you know the difference between Organic and Non-Organic Almonds?

At early lunchtime, I felt like a protein snack (as it always seems to assist computer typing…) Voila! Enter Organic Almonds which really did the trick.

I’ve gradually been using up a batch of non organic Almonds I bought last year (on the right of the picture) which are paler, wider\fatter and have a hard-crunchy texture.

On the other hand (left) Organic Almonds from a bulk-selling health shop which are darker, flatter\thinner and happen to taste … DIVINELY almondy; like marzipan! Like fresh from the tree itself. Incredible; it’s ages since I’ve tasted an almond quite like it.

They taste SO completely different, it’s astonishing!

I’ll have to use up the others in breakfast \ evening milkshakes and in future, ImageTImagechoose the (even) more organic options …